Friday, November 30, 2018

The Overwhelming Feedback of Social Media

 Humans naturally communicate from a very early time in our lives. When I saw the transmission model of communication in class it seemed obvious, although, I hadn’t ever thought of what feedback looks like in various ways of communicating.

We learn language, point of view, and so much more from feedback in communication, it is what we rely on to understand others, and have others understand us.

When seeing the model of social media – many senders and many receivers – it brought to mind the overwhelming feedback social media posts can gain. Sometimes I avoid the “big players” such as Facebook for the very reason that everyone has a voice. It can become a platform for discussion, but also, it can become a platform for arguments and slander when others don’t agree or understand another user’s point of view. Maybe this is not positive or negative, but it was the thought that was provoked for me in our presentation.

1 comment:

  1. Reading this makes me wonder if someone should make a platform that somehow could prevent trolls and slander, how wonderful would that be? Your point that Facebook harbours a lot of negativity really resonates with how I feel about the platform, and wish it weren't so! I wonder if, in the future, children will be taught specifically how to communicate on the web rather than focusing on real life interaction.


The Overwhelming Feedback of Social Media

  Humans naturally communicate from a very early time in our lives. When I saw the transmission model of communication in class...