Thursday, November 22, 2018

A Vision of Students

Hey CMNS 150,

Here's group 3's YouTube link for "A Vision of Students" project. Hope you enjoy :)


  1. I think your group did a great job tying in the information of how often students get loans and how long they take to pay back. Your video made me so grateful to be working enough to avoid student loans, but that only emphasizes the problem, doesn't it? Work definitely complicates the educational process. I almost wish our internships started second semester and were part-time while studying so we could use our relevant work experience to help pay for the technical side of things. It's honestly just scary that jobs aren't a guarantee after investing so much in our educations!

    I really enjoyed your video project. It is so interesting to see how many directions can be taken from the same batch of quotes and information.

  2. Your group did such an amazing job with this! Not only was it visually interesting, but the order of the signs created an interesting and easy to understand story of what it's like to be a student today.


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