Monday, November 26, 2018

Did you know Canada was selling our recycle to China?!

So an interesting (and saddening) fact I learned for a research paper this year is that many of the things I put in my blue bin were getting sold to China before 2018. Up to 80 percent of recyclables in some cities were being sold - and this was happening across Canada. Since then, we've had no real back-up plan, the stuff is piling up everywhere. Here's one of CBC's latest articles talking about what plastics have the best shot of being recycled now that no one wants the hard-to-process plastics.

1 comment:

  1. I was just as shocked as you were when I heard! My boyfriend works for Ellice Recycling, a pretty big company on the island and his blood boiled. Makes me pretty sad that we can't figure out a sustainable way to deal with our trash instead of turning it for profit.


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