Monday, October 15, 2018

Salt Spring's South End History - photo essay

I was really excited to be able to explore the history of home for my Photo Essay on Salt Spring Island. This project brought new meanings to many of my favourite places. The link is below if you'd like to check it out! Spring's South End History - Photo essay

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Turkle - Connected but alone

In TedTalks “Connected but alone”, Sherry Turkle raises relevant issues with technology, especially in regard to social isolation. Turkle asserts that connecting primarily through social media gives people a false feeling of companionship; this leads to feelings of seclusion and loneliness. I agree with Turkle more than I don’t. I don’t post very much on social media for that reason. When Facebook started to climb to its peak I was in the middle of high school. I don’t think there is anything more dangerous than teenagers feeling even more isolated than they already do; and I actually stopped posting very much towards the end of high school as I felt I was getting addicted to people “liking” my posts. And when they didn’t, I would turn my extroverted self into an introvert and start to question my validity. That being said I am still addicted to watching what happens in other people’s lives, and, I often take note if a friend of mine is going through tough times but still posts only happy-go-lucky “living my best life” sort of posts. We have control over how we are perceived… is this better or worse for this friend’s mental health and sense of connection?  

The Overwhelming Feedback of Social Media

  Humans naturally communicate from a very early time in our lives. When I saw the transmission model of communication in class...